PMCS Advance is a single source settlement solution that advance funds out-of-network claim payments to Providers while also ensuring Payers receive the best possible discount.
Its unique utilization of electronic data interchange (EDI) and established Provider agreements is the only solution today delivering seamless administration, advance funding, and direct Provider negotiations.
- Provides prompt, predictable payment
- Maximizes settlement capabilities
- Increases processing volume
- Eliminates settlement disputes
- Dramatically reduces paperwork
- Customizable to daily claim routine
- Complies with HIPAA regulations
- Reduce Claim Costs
- Increase Claim Volume

PMCS Select is a fully automated out-of-network claim settlement solution that allows select Payers to remit payment and an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) directly to PMCS Providers.
- Supplements current strategy
- Automates payment & EOB
- Leverages existing agreements
- Eliminates Provider recourse